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LatestWhat Drives Hamas’ Obsession to Annihilate Israel
The world is facing the possibility of a nuclear war. On October 7, 2023, Hamas infiltrated Israel through Gaza, initially killing over 1400 Jews. Over 200 people were kidnapped, women were raped and over 40 babies were beheaded. As I type this pastoral article, the war is escalating, drawing more nations into the conflict. The government of Israel not only formally declared war on Hamas, but is bombing targets in Gaza as well as Hezbollah targets. The United States has also bombed targets in Syria and Israel is preparing for a military invasion of Gaza. To understand Hamas, Hezbollah and nations such as Iran, one must understand their prophet Mohammed, the Koran and Islam.
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Today I preached the greatest sermon I never preached! I preached it not from a pulpit, but from a recliner chair in a chemotherapy clinic!
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Apostolic Strategy for the Defeat of Principalities and Powers of the Air (Part 1)
An understanding of the principalities and the powers of the air is foundational to all true seeing. There is a realm of invisible, angelic beings brooding over this earth, profoundly influencing the conduct of individuals and nations. They are the rulers of this present world. It is extraordinary how naïve, ignorant, or indifferent the church is toward these powers, despite the fact that this theme is absolutely foundational to the whole calling of the church! For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
The Role of Fivefold Ministry (Part 3)
Now as pointed out before (in the book, Charismatic Captivation), the Church is the quintessential Theocracy. Its government is not a political government wherein the governed themselves constitute, devise, and effect their own government, such as that of this nation, the United States, which is a form of democracy (republic), supposedly "of the people, for the people, and by the people." Rather, the Church is literally governed by a singular Supreme Potentate—the Lord Jesus Christ—who God has appointed as its Sole and Sovereign Head. The absolute necessity of understanding this one concept is emphasized and re‑emphasized repeatedly in this volume, and indeed is the ultimate and salient point of this book.
What Drives Hamas’ Obsession to Annihilate Israel
The world is facing the possibility of a nuclear war. On October 7, 2023, Hamas infiltrated Israel through Gaza, initially killing over 1400 Jews. Over 200 people were kidnapped, women were raped and over 40 babies were beheaded. As I type this pastoral article, the war is escalating, drawing more nations into the conflict. The government of Israel not only formally declared war on Hamas, but is bombing targets in Gaza as well as Hezbollah targets. The United States has also bombed targets in Syria and Israel is preparing for a military invasion of Gaza. To understand Hamas, Hezbollah and nations such as Iran, one must understand their prophet Mohammed, the Koran and Islam.
What Drives Hamas’ Obsession to Annihilate Israel
The world is facing the possibility of a nuclear war. On October 7, 2023, Hamas infiltrated Israel through Gaza, initially killing over 1400 Jews. Over 200 people were kidnapped, women were raped and over 40 babies were beheaded. As I type this pastoral article, the war is escalating, drawing more nations into the conflict. The government of Israel not only formally declared war on Hamas, but is bombing targets in Gaza as well as Hezbollah targets. The United States has also bombed targets in Syria and Israel is preparing for a military invasion of Gaza. To understand Hamas, Hezbollah and nations such as Iran, one must understand their prophet Mohammed, the Koran and Islam.
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One of the top televangelists in the nation was recently invited to preach in Baltimore, Maryland. His terms for coming were #1. That he must be picked up by a limousine at the airport, #2. that he must have $1,000 spending money, #3. That he must be guaranteed at least $10,000 in offerings. This same televangelist/pastor lives in a multimillion-dollar mansion, eats in the finest restaurants and wears the most expensive tailor-made suits. His writings and speaking engagements have garnered millions of dollars.
Distinguishing Flakey from False Prophets
The prophetic movement and or prophetic leaders have perhaps been the most controversial in the Body of Christ the past several decades. Some of it has to do with the fact that many people are afraid of any move of the Spirit and or criticize that which they do not understand. However, as someone who has functioned in prophetic ministry since the early 1990’s, I would say that a fair share of criticism against the prophetic is warranted because of either “flakey or “false” prophetic ministries. It is the objective of this article to attempt to bring a distinction between a flakey and false prophet.
Distinguishing Flakey from False Prophets
The prophetic movement and or prophetic leaders have perhaps been the most controversial in the Body of Christ the past several decades. Some of it has to do with the fact that many people are afraid of any move of the Spirit and or criticize that which they do not understand. However, as someone who has functioned in prophetic ministry since the early 1990’s, I would say that a fair share of criticism against the prophetic is warranted because of either “flakey or “false” prophetic ministries. It is the objective of this article to attempt to bring a distinction between a flakey and false prophet.
Today I preached the greatest sermon I never preached! I preached it not from a pulpit, but from a recliner chair in a chemotherapy clinic!
Many questions arise today concerning the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Some consider them to be fellow Evangelical Christians and others consider them to be so far out as to be a cult. What are the facts concerning Seventh-day Adventism?
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Convergence of the Signs of Christ’s Return and the End of the Age!
For many years now, we’ve seen the convergence of the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for. Now, in 2022, we see a specific alignment of events that could lead to the outbreak of the Tribulation at any moment. These specific events are identical in nature to the events the Bible says will occur during the Tribulation. This convergence of signs (occurring at the present) is confirmation our generation will witness the Second Coming according to Jesus.
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Even now, most people fail to recognize the dire consequences of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The impact goes far beyond the battlefields of Eastern Europe, effecting every nation on the planet. The war in Ukraine has transformed a situation where global food supplies were tight into an unavoidable global food crisis.
This reproduction of “life” through conception has never been explained, will never be, but remains an eternal mystery. What is life? We can only identify the physical parts through which life reveals itself–but the reality of the human life principle remains forever elusive. Life is the essence of God which He breathed into the lifeless form of Adam in the Garden and he became “a living soul.” Adam’s body contained the sperm of half-life that when joined with Eve’s ovum of half-life created the full-life of others and began the human race. Through them, the pattern was set that every individual born of mankind would have both a mother and a father. The Virgin Mary knew this and when told by the Angel that she would “Conceive in her womb and bring forth a Son …” she was astonished. Her answer was, “But! Sexually, I know not a man!” The Angel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you!” Mary experienced conception, not by man, but by the Holy Spirit’s invasion of her body.
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Happiness is circumstantial, for example, you won the sweepstakes or you inherited something. Joy, however, is a condition of being, not only independent of circumstances, but all the more profound despite circumstances, especially of an adverse kind. Joy is, therefore, not only independent of circumstances, but it cannot be affected by circumstances.
Central Bank Digital Currencies are the future of currency, and when they arrive, they’ll enslave the world. To understand why, you first need to understand what they are, how they serve the vision of those in power, and why they’re inevitable.
Participants in this interview on Warning Radio are host, Jonathan Hansen of World Ministries International and Attorney Stephen Pidgeon of Washington State.
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The Bible predicts and describes a New World Order and a One World Government that will eventually be instituted in the last days before the return of Christ to establish His Millennial Reign. Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama believed in a New World Order and a One World Government, and gave their allegiances to those political elite who were fundamentally changing America’s Christian values to those of the New World Order and the One World Government. The true mastermind behind the entire One World agenda, it is vital to understand, is none other than Satan himself. While humans are the agents through whom he works to institute his doomed-from-the-start master-plan of world domination and worship deflection is actually HIS, lock, stock, and barrel, along with its main composites of Satanism, humanism, and communism!
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Why Do So Many People Hate President Trump? This video by Leslie Hale, The Irish Preacher, delineates the real reasons why.
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It’s time for the overwhelming majority of people who do not support the immorality subverting our culture, to stand up and be counted. We have the right to say no to homosexual child predators who prey upon young, impressionable minds by pretending to be what they are not and reading books to children in libraries. It is my/our right to say no to any attempt to have sodomitic preachers infiltrate our church.
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In vocational ministry, however, there are divine limitations to our fruitfulness. Those limitations are often intuitively understood, but not as often well defined. We may subconsciously realize that the large majority of God-called ministers will never have the impact of the Apostle Paul, yet we sometimes talk as if all ministers could attain to Paul’s level of spiritual success, if only “we were as dedicated as the apostle Paul.”
Read MoreALL Scripture is God-Breathed and MUST be Believed!
I consistently meet Christians who challenge parts of the Bible solely because they do not fit their denominational standard. Pastors are especially guilty. Calvinists reject “Arminian” teachings and Arminian believers reject Paul’s writings about election, predestination, and the sovereignty of God. What is our obligation? We are to believe all of the Bible regardless of our being able to reconcile it. It is in the theological challenge that we learn. Our first responsibility is to God–not our local church. Mental stretching does for our spirit what physical exercise does for the body. Such work-outs may be painful and tiring–but, they produce strength.
Read MoreWhy June Is NOT “Gay Pride” Celebration Month For Me
Put another way, why should there be a special month to celebrate people based on their sexual desires and romantic attractions? Or based on their gender identity perceptions?
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We were sitting around the conference table, when suddenly our Senior Pastor, David Wilkerson burst into the room, obviously quite upset. He walked to the conference table and leaned on his fists and bowed his head in intense silence. He didn’t want to explode in anger, and yet his volcano of frustration was obvious. He said, “I just got off the phone with the wife of a well-known minister. If I said his name, you’d all know him. He’s hooked on pornography and his poor wife doesn’t know what to do. She’s looking to me for advice. Last week the son of a mega church pastor told me his dad is hooked on drugs and has a mistress on the side. I get one or two calls like this every single month from relatives of these so-called mighty men of God. Do they not have any fear of the Lord in their hearts?”
Read MorePrayer Grasps Eternity
No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. The pulpit can be a shop window to display one’s talents; the prayer closet allows no showing off. Poverty-stricken as the Church is today in many things, she is most stricken here, in the place of prayer. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.
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We are here for a short season as preparation for the hereafter, and now we only sing about seeing Him face to face, but in heaven, we will experience it and much more. Heaven is God’s home, His abode, and He will share it with me. That will be the joy of heaven.
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As American Christians, we are confronted by a grim, undeniable fact: our nation has come under the judgment of God. For this there are many reasons, but they can be summed up in one simple statement: We have committed the sin for which Esau was rejected—we have despised our birthright (Heb. 12:15–17).
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