50 Reasons I Won’t Vote For Donald Trump
With Donald J. Trump running for POTUS, coupled with his history that has been published about him in various forms over the last thirty years or so, I personally have seen enough concerning “The Donald” and who he is, essentially, to come to the following conclusions in that respect—all of which are reasons why I won’t be voting for him this November to lead our nation.
I well understand that the election in November is not for pastor of the nation, as so many Christians, including pastors and preachers, sophomorically point out on social media. I get that. Moreover, I also well-realize no one is perfect, and that no matter who America elects, the next person to occupy The People’s House, will be flawed and possessing of many flat-sides, like all the former presidents and all the rest of us. It’s a given that “nobody’s perfect”—we all know that. No one, particularly no one among that group of people who have chosen to inflict upon themselves the appellation of “politician,” is wartless—we all know that as well.
But, by nature, elections are a process in which the individual voter must make some fundamental assessments and draw some basic conclusions concerning the candidates the electoral process has ultimately presented before them to choose between. It’s always a matter of choosing “the lesser of two evils” as the well-worn phrase describes. Most of those who qualify as a “voter” in this nation, we have to assume, has that much common sense. However, to have flaws, flat-sides, and warts, is one thing, but then there are some people who are so superfluously inflicted with such so as to be essentially a political leper. Frankly, I know of no one in my lifetime spanning the better part of seven decades putting themselves forward as a candidate for the POTUS, than one Donald J. Trump.
At the beginning of his campaign, as with many other Americans, I was somewhat buoyed by his stump-rhetoric identifying a number of the problems plaguing this country with respect to the existing political machinery under the pilotage of the current operatives (office-holders) of our federal government. But, as the now ridiculously elongated campaign process wore on, and he increasingly sharpened his campaign rhetoric and verbal assaults of his political opponents, it wasn’t long before I was jolted back to the reality of who Donald Trump is and has always been, which has always been fairly consistently the same thing.
As I have waded through the fairly large amount of information and history available on the person Donald Trump, and observed him and the persona he has presented throughout the campaign process thus far, I have formulated some personal opinions and assessments concerning him, his character, and matters that matter when it comes to considering someone as the occupant of the highest political office in our land. In writing this article, I have not concerned myself so much with the nature and quality of the prose itself, but more with the evocation of the concepts that the words used contain in themselves. Some of the characteristics I’ve delineated in some sense overlap with others and therefore may be repeated in the list. Of course, if I were to support each assessment with specific references to the events from which they arise, this would be a book, rather than an article.
- Arrogant, egotistical, prideful, brash, insolent (see: Deut. 17:20; 2 Tim. 3:2).
- Narcissistic—NPD and grandeuristic personality disorder (see: Deut. 17:20; 2 Tim. 3:2, “lovers of self”).
- Self-centered; self-serving; selfishly-ambitious; self-aggrandizing; lacks a servant’s heart.
- Boastful and braggadocios (2 Tim. 3:2).
- Paranoid and distrusting of others; makes Nixon look like Mr. Congeniality in this regard.
- Insular; independent; operates alone and in a vacuum; non-collaborative, cannot/will not collaborate with others; rejects most counsel and advice from others.
- Dictatorial; controlling (witchcraft), hyper-authoritarian.
- Antisocial; even psychopathic to some degree.
- Insensitive to and mostly uncaring of the sensibilities and feelings of others; his goals and objectives and the obtaining thereof trump all else.
- Scoffer and iconoclast; despiser of authority anti-establishment with the only exception of when such is not expedient to him and his objectives.
- Divisive, factious, a divider, self-opinionated, strife-bearer.
- Imperialistic, tyrannical, dictatorial—demonstrates his aspiration to be King of America rather than President, the occupant of which office is called upon to preside over the federal government, not prevail or predominate over the nation and rule as a monarch. There are three branches of our form of government, each of which provides checks and balances to the authority of the others. Donald Trump, by his own public statements, has repeatedly stated with extreme hubris and bravado that if elected he would singlehandedly and apparently by fiat or executive order dictate to the legislature and supreme court what he believes needs to happen and changes he believes need to be instituted. In so doing, he has predicted that he will exceed the hubris Barack Obama demonstrated with respect to tyrannical rule by fiat and executive order.
- Ostentatious; flaunter of personal wealth; immodest (see: Deut. 17:16).
- Angry (hot-tempered) and given to unconstrained petulance, and out-bursts of anger and derision of others; intemperate.
- Easily offended, acts sullen when offended.
- Begrudging.
- Antagonistic.
- Abusive/Abuser; has publicly denigrated individuals with vulgar speech.
- Sharp-tongued—Cannot control his tongue; uses tongue as weapon; verbally abusive.
- Sarcastic, derisive, ridiculer, censorial, mocking, condescending, supercilious.
- Retaliatory; begrudging; reactive.
- Hurt/wounded; acts out of same; hurt people hurt people.
- Malevolent, evil, demonized.
- Rebellious, particularly to authority.
- Misogynist; contemptuous of women in all his business and life dealings, only allowing females who will utterly submit to him and his domination and control over them, such as in the case of his daughter, who is the only woman he has granted authority to in the Trump domain (see: Deut. 17:17).
- Immoral, or maybe amoral, certainly unprincipled (2 Pet. 2:7; 2 Pet. 3:17; Deut. 17:17).
- Petulant, impetuous, and impulsive.
- Dishonest, deceitful, deceiver, corrupt.
- Lover of money—root of all evil; completely money-driven, filled with greed, avaricious, measures himself and others in terms of their monetary wealth and net worth; uses wealth for his selfish gain, self-aggrandizing.
- RINO—not at all or in any way a genuine conservative; former Democrat.
- Anti-Constitutional; anti-law; scofflaw.
- Anti-republic/Anti-America.
- Blasphemous with his speech and the beliefs his speech demonstrates.
- Antichrist spirit.
- Will do and say anything to gain an advantage over opponents—real and perceived.
- Manipulative; self-serving; Machiavellian; skilled prevaricator; without the slightest hesitation or qualm will do or say whatever is expedient to attain his goals and achieve his ever-changing purposes.
- Inconsistent; untrustworthy; unreliable, and therefore unpredictable.
- Double-minded and/or duplicitous—about a plethora of matters and in many of his business dealings over his career; whatever is expedient and/or financially profitable for him at any given moment to achieve his objectives, he is for or against it, and then he just as easily flip-flops subsequently to achieve another objective; in some cases he is both for and against something at the same time, without qualm or misgiving; equivocating.
- Spiritually bankrupt; not Born Again; spiritual father is the devil (though, of course, that is true of every person who is not born again); has not and does not demonstrate the fruit of a genuine believer; does not bear forth fruit in keeping with repentance.
- Destructive; destroyer; thus demonic and demonized.
- CINO—Christian in name only; entire life is antithesis of Biblical Christianity; anti-church—has never attended any church or affiliated with any denomination or religious group.
- Political positions and views—no articulated political platform; spews out only political platitudes and generalities; pro-abortion; pro-gay; pro-Clintons; Pro-Soros; political chameleon; political snake.
- Character—no doubt Donald Trump is a character, more than anyone who has ever run for POTUS other than Teddy Roosevelt, but I’m looking for someone who has character as opposed to someone who is a character to preside over our federal government.
- Lacks specific, definable, discernible leadership qualities. Has never before sought or held any public office, and in that respect is presumptuous to the extreme, to declare himself a presidential candidate when he has no record of public service at all at any level, primarily because he considers himself “too good” to subject himself to the scrutiny and consideration of the American people that a campaign for any political office entails; he believes so highly of himself and what he believes he has to offer the American people that he should be able to bypass the whole matter of serving in lesser or lower political capacities and jump from being nothing but an ordinary citizen to being POTUS, just because of who he believes he is. Sorry, Donnie Boy, but that’s not the way it works in this great nation. In this nation you have to prove yourself worthy of the public respect, trust, and confidence by first serving in some other public office(s) before you leap onto the big stage like John Wilkes Booth after assassinating Lincoln! Presidential candidates must earn the trust of the American people, and not so disrespect the electorate by self-appointed declaration that voters should simply anoint them “king” based primarily on his/her extreme wealth! Saying, essentially, “I’m the richest man in America, and so therefore, I’m the most logical candidate to be the next president,” doesn’t compute with most thinking voters.
- Really doesn’t understand and has demonstrated utter contempt for our form of government—a republic, with three branches of government designed to assure checks and balances on each branch—and has no intention of working within that framework if elected, but intends to be an autocratic dictator.
- History of strong-arm tactics to get his way and “win” at all costs; Mafioso-like; effects campaigns to ruin opponents, adversaries, detractors, and critics.
- Personal values are anti-Christian; does not demonstrate any of the the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) claims to believe the Bible, but knows nothing about it, and when asked by a reporter, could not enumerate a single one of the sixty-six books of which it is comprised.
- Treacherous, untrustworthy, not a nice man or someone I’d want as a “friend,” family member, or any other kind of relationship.
- Not God’s choice (Deut. 17:15)—with all these character flaws, it’s not difficult at all to know that there’s no way Donald J. Trump would be the person God wants the Body of Christ in America to vote for to lead their nation. In fact, it’s self-evident prima facie.
- Would be disastrous for America, and though it’s hard to imagine, maybe worse than Obama in that regard.
A few months ago, not long after Trump had announced his candidacy, the Holy Spirit directed my attention to 2 Tim. 3:1-9:
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith. But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes’s and Jambres’s folly was also.
When I read that passage for the umpteenth time since I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus now forty years ago, I said to myself this sounds like a description of Donald J. Trump. I still think that is true, and that it is an accurate description of who he is and has been. People can change. I understand that as well as anyone, and I am a living testimony of that myself, that’s for sure. But, I’ve lived long enough to know that when it comes to making judgments and assessments about people that are absolutely required in the affairs of this life, it’s much safer and smarter to see people for what they are and have been—their known record—than to base your conclusions on what you hope or optimistically project them to be and do based on the uncertain and unreliable premise that people can change.
People can change—that, of course, is true—but, especially without the radical transformation of the human spirit that transpires when a person is genuinely Born Again by the infusion of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, it is rare, in respect to the substantive and purposeful issues of their lives. When it comes to casting my vote for the one solitary person who presides over the national government of the most powerful nation on earth, I cannot afford to make my judgment based on what I may want a person to be or do, but on what is known about who the person is and has been and the record of their actions.
If even a few of these assessments I’ve identified in this article are accurate or fitting with respect to the man Donald J. Trump, do genuine believers in Christ have any biblical or spiritual justification for voting for such a man to preside over our nation’s federal government, to be the commander-in-chief of our military and all that entails, and to be the de facto supreme leader of the world? And, if in spite of all that, believers in Christ then cast their vote for him anyway, then, shame on them. Shame on them!
[Editor’s note: The following two paragraphs added on March 12, 2016.]
Personally, I will state categorically my conviction that Donald Trump is Satan’s neo-Hitler whom he has possessed and sent to deceive and decimate America. Moreover, I firmly believe that if America chooses to defiantly ignore the prophetic warnings of genuine and affirmed modern-day prophets raised up by the Triune Jehovah God to speak HIS words to this nation in this hour, and elects either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, that will be America signing it’s own death certificate!
Right now, the current status quo being what it is, only divine intervention can rescue America from certain destruction, and certain destruction is a fait accompli if either Clinton or Trump is the next president of the United States of America!
Dr. Steven Lambert was ordained in 1977 and holds several earned graduate/post-graduate degrees. Over more than four decades in ministry, he has served as a pastor, radio/TV host, adjunct-professor, Board Certified Doctoral Diplomate Christian Therapist/Counselor, and a speaker/commentator on a range of social, political, and theological issues, particularly as a recognized authority on the matter of ecclesiastical authoritarian abuse. He is the founder/Overseer of Ephesians Four Network (ephesiansfour.net) and its subsidiary, Ephesians Four Network of Deliverance Counselors (efndc.ephesiansfour.net). Dr. Lambert authored several books (catalog at realtruthpublications.com), many published articles, and is the founder/editor of Spirit Life Magazine (spiritlifemag.com). His bio, extensive blog, and scheduling information are available on his ministry website at: http://www.slm.org. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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