In a video press release published June 2, 2020 (below), Rev. Dr. Jonathan Hansen, president/CEO of World Ministries International and Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, PhD, present a cogent and alarming overview of the nascent abuse of power by state governors of the United States.
The case the two men make in this video presentation is that numerous U.S. state governors are exploiting the Covid-19 national shutdown to initiate an orchestrated and likely coordinated move toward tyrannical, dictatorial governance via overt contravention of various U.S. Constitution provisions, their state constitutions, and their oath of office to uphold same.
These mostly Democrat socialist governors are misusing the auspices of their office to seize political advantage of the ongoing—what some are calling—“plandemic” scenario that began in March, to advance their extreme liberal agendas, by suddenly behaving like fascist dictators of many undeveloped, undemocratized nations in the world, past and present.
This purported “pandemic,” so classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February this year, caused, they said, by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), classified by WHO as “Covid-19,” ostensibly originating in Wuhan China and first identified by scientists in November 2019. While the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. have been frantically advancing the global pandemic narrative and advocating the consequential national shutdown scenario based on infections-morbidity statistics, the statistics and calculus on which their claims are predicated have been seriously questioned by steadily increasing numbers of healthcare providers, medical scientists, and even expert statisticians.
Dr. Hansen opines in the video that the actions taken by the political leaders of this nation as well as many other nations reflect a presupposition that this outbreak is or will eventually become worse than all other pandemics in the nation’s history, including the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, the worst on record, or the “Black Death” plague, or Bubonic Plague, that transpired in the mid-14th Century predominantly in Eurasia, North Africa, and Europe, resulting in an estimated 75 to 200 million deaths worldwide. Yet, invariably, and ubiquitously across the states, the statistics demonstrate that a very high percentage of people who contract the virus survive it.
To support that assessment, an up-to-the-minute statistical dashboard provided by Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering, just moments before the publication of this article, indicates that out of 2,114,026 “confirmed” cases of infection in the U.S. 116,127 resulted in death. That calculates to a morbidity or death rate of roughly 5.5%, which is nowhere near the morbidity rates predicted by the CDC and WHO back in January and February when the pandemic was first announced. In the interim a mass of information by numerous credible medical scientists and providers has emerged in the public discussion casting the agencies’ (et al.) predictions, methodologies, conclusions, and motivations that have formed the primary premises for the nascent national and global shutdown into serious disrepute. One major verified factor in all the controversy regarding severely skewed death numbers is the coding system used by medical personnel and care facilities to classify infections-to-deaths and administrators pressuring, or in some cases, instructing, physicians to classify the cause of death as Covid-19 for patients who tested positive for Covid-19 though the actual cause was more likely other underlying pre-existing health issues because medical facilities receive $5,000 for non-Covid-19 deaths, $13,000 for Covid-19-related deaths, and a whopping $39,000 for Covid-19 deaths for patients who were placed on respirators and died, in compensation from Medicare.
A previous article published on Spirit Life Magazine capsulized our view of the current scenario:
…in time in the aftermath of this sad chapter in our nation’s history, it will eventually be determined to have been an over-reaction of an exponential magnitude! Again, as cited above, among the leading causes of death annually in the United States are Heart Disease: 647,457; Cancer: 599,108; Accidents: 169,936; Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201; Stroke: 146,383; Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404; Diabetes: 83,564; Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672; Suicide): 47,173. BUT HAVE WE EVER SHUT DOWN THE NATION DUE TO ANY OF THESE MORBIDITY CAUSES?! NEVER!! Why? Because to shut down the nation, its economic engines that produce the monetary funding required to financially support the most prosperous nation in the history of Man in particular, would be utter INSANITY and totally IRRATIONAL! THAT’S WHY! The inescapable fact is: PEOPLE DIE! Since and consequential to the fall of Man in the Garden of Eden six-thousand years ago, that has been the stark fact! No one, no nation, has ever or can ever stop people from dying — not in this age! Whether they die of coronavirus or another of the many causes of death, natural and unnatural, people will continue to die! But, you CAN’T shut down an entire nation in an attempt to stop people from dying — that is completely IRRATIONAL! And, when this nation finally comes to its collective senses and re-opens the entire nation, people will continue to die and it will be clear that the national shutdown did nothing to effect a cessation of death of our citizenry, whether from Covid-19 or the other myriad morbidity causes! If you’re looking for a human to blame for that, his name certainly is not Donald, but rather ADAM!
Facts About the Covid-19 Virus
Under a microscope, the unmistakable and obvious signature of Satan, who is the god/prince/ruler of this world according to numerous scripture passages can be seen. Coronaviruses were so named because the virus appears similar to a “crown.” This is Satan’s signature as the god/prince/ruler of this world. Jesus Himself referred to Satan as the prince and ruler of this world.
The “Covid-19” name was ascribed to the virus by the World Health Organization (WHO), i.e., “‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease” (CDC). The virus originated in Wuhan China and was first identified in November 2019. “Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s”; “Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s”; two strains of the common cold have been identified as human coronaviruses, and in modern times, there have been five major coronavirus outbreaks, most involving serious respiratory tract infections, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 in 2019″ (Wikipedia). So, coronaviruses certainly are nothing new, and in fact, this one has thus far proven to be much less deadly than many of the previous outbreaks since the first was so identified!
The best and most reliable information regarding the genesis of the virus indicates it was first identified by infectious disease scientists in November 2019 after it began circulating in Wuhan China, causing a massive outbreak of illness in the region. At this hour, that aspect of the microbe’s release and resultant spread is largely unquestioned, but the actual origins of the “novel” coronavirus remains a matter of widespread question and debate. A large body of evidence is surfacing supporting an alleged hypothesis that the virus was “engineered” in a UNC laboratory by a Chinese exchange scientist working on a NIAID grant project, funded by WHO, whose biggest contributor is Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, who of course is the number one advocate in the world for control of the global spread of the disease via reportedly yet undeveloped but soon to be developed “vaccines.” Of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is accredited with discovery of the HIV source, has been the director of the NIAID since 1984, and personally enriched by hundreds of millions of dollars generated by his personal stakes in scores of infectious disease medicines and vaccines, development of which was funded largely by billions of dollars of vast grant funding provided by none other than Bill Gates and his network of “humanitarian foundations.” The UNC project was conducted under the auspices and oversight of NIAID.
The bottom-line of the massive amount of emerging information relative to the cause behind the Covid-19 national and global shutdown is strong evidence that the virus itself is a product of Chinese engineering, i.e., biological warfare, funded by a highly-complex and monumental money-laundering scheme from Bill Gates, and propagated first in China and subsequently through infected human agents traveling from China to the United States and other nations across the globe. Early on after the spread began in China, President Trump, obviously based on intelligence information concerning the potential plague developing in this nation, banned ingress travel from China and ordered identification and mandatory quarantine of recent travelers from China prior to the ban, and subsequently rolled out the national shutdown.
Politically Motivated Attacks Against POTUS
Predictably, in the ensuing multi-month aftermath, political opponents have viciously attacked Trump for not having done enough, quickly enough, though it is clear the information he was being given by representatives of the various governmental agencies involved in this unpredictable and unprecedented potential national disaster was highly conflicting, contested, ambiguous, vague, and, in more cases than not, politically tainted and motivated. Added to the confusion and chaos converging at the Oval Office was the undeniable fact that the leadership of many of the governmental agencies advising the president were, and still are, completely compromised and constrained by their vast personal financial interests in the multifaceted remedial components such an expansive national crisis would entail coupled with the far left political agendas many of these highly-paid career bureaucrats that essentially run the federal government from their ivory-tower penthouse offices dotting the expansive Potomac environs of Washington DC.
New World Order Proponents Behind “Plandemic” and National Shutdown
In their video presser, Drs. Hansen and Pidgeon, laid the foundation with a plethora of recent published headlines and reports by various news sources and commentators supporting their argument that numerous Fabian socialist state governors have used the Covid-19 pandemic as a premise to begin instituting a state-level communistic Bolshevik-type takeover of the nation through a myriad of unlawful, unconstitutional autocratic actions and activities via endless series of executive orders under the guise of Covid-19 pandemic mitigation measures supposedly designed for the well-being, protection, and safety of the citizenry. These protection and safety mitigation measures, however, are facially unlawful and therefore unenforceable. But, far beyond that, the two commentators allege, the actions of these rogue Marxist governors is seditious, and warrant immediate forcible removal from office by President Trump under the auspices of the 1807 Insurrection Act.
Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court
Attorney Pidgeon, in the video, specifically calls for the immediate removal of office and arrest of Jay Inslee, Democratic governor of the state of Washington for multiple violations of this federal law and specific violations of the U.S. and Washington State constitutions, which he enumerates in his presentation and in a federal lawsuit he filed on behalf of nine Washingtonian clients “and other Washingtonians similarly situated.”
The lawsuit alleges that without legal authority, Governor Inslee declared an emergency following one confirmed death; initiated a proclamation which impermissibly barred expression protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution; initiated a proclamation which constitutes a taking pursuant to the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution; initiated a proclamation which discriminates against classes of persons in violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution. The complaint argues a facial challenge to Inslee’s authority to take the actions he did predicated on denial of both substantive and procedural due process regarding liberty and property interests and other protections afforded by the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments. It contends also that Inslee’s decisions and proclamations allowed: Marijuana Dispensaries Costco, Walmart, Lowes and Home Depot to remain open, while closing wedding planners, pizzerias, hair salons, auto dealerships, such as the businesses of the plaintiffs; and that “Inslee’s Proclamations are not simply unjust, arbitrary, and capricious – they are discriminatory and violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
The Case for Democratic Governors Exceeding Their Authority
Host Hansen cited from news articles numerous additional incidents of state governors exceeding the legal authority of their office. For example, on May 14 2020, Jay Inslee, Democratic governor of the state of Washington, where both video panelists reside, announced that as the state begins to relax restrictions and open up its economy, health officials will focus on “contact tracing” and isolation of infected individuals that will be identified by a phalanx of 1,371 newly employed and trained “contact tracers” who would begin work the next day, along with the existing 390 members of the Department of Licensing, 630 state and local health professionals, and “aided” by 351 armed members of the National Guard, whose role reasonable thought would assume is enforcement and security for these state bureaucrats, reminiscent to many of the Nazi SS officers who were sent through the streets of Germany to mark Jewish citizens with the Star of David during Hitler’s reign of terror leading up to WWII prior to being summarily executed in mass gas chambers, by firing squads, or hanged.
Pursuant to implementation of that new program, Inslee instituted a dictum that people who refused to cooperate with the state-employed “contact tracers” he was sending out or refused coronavirus testing would not be allowed to leave their homes for any reason including to go to grocery stores to buy food or to pharmacies to obtain prescribed medications—even life-dependent medications—thereby essentially initiating a statewide lockdown tantamount to martial law, only distinguished from martial law by claiming it is partial martial law in that it was discriminate and not equal, which meant it was illegal and unconstitutional. In response to questions from reporters, Inslee described his initiative as being robust, vigorous, and comprehensive–that it needs to be all three to succeed. Ostensibly, success to Inslee is a 100% coronavirus testing rate of Washingtonians who survive government-imposed starvation, medical deprivation, and total economic cessation and seizure. Indeed, Inslee stated that those who refuse to comply with the new guidelines would face sanctions either in civil or criminal courts. Inslee, it must be pointed out, is not alone in his hyper-authoritarian power grab; other state governors have summarily instituted similar autocratic measures that violate the basic constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizenry they swore to serve by faithfully executing the laws of their state.
Sheriffs Refuse Enforcement of Unconstitutional Governors’ Orders
Dr. Hansen cited several other news articles quoting sheriffs in four states who say they will refuse to enforce the unlawful stay-at-home orders that violate citizens’ First Amendment rights and impairs the ability of the residents of their jurisdictions to work and earn a living to support themselves and their families, which is an infringement of their fundamental constitutional rights.
Governor’s Violations of Constitution and 1807 Insurrection Act
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon presented in the video an overview of some of the relative constitutional provisions and freedoms that have been violated by Governor Inslee as well as the other Democrat governors who are pursuing similar paths of dictatorial suppression and repression. Beginning with the first clause of Article IV, Section 4, which states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” He explained that a Republican Form of Government is a government that is governed by a constitution with a tripartite dispersion of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, such as the nation’s federal government. He further explained that the State of Washington was admitted into the Union in 1871, predicated on a constitution that coupled with the 1889 revision and the 92 amendments guarantees these very rights and mandating a Republican Form of Government.
When the governor exceeds the authority provided in the Constitution with unauthorized dictums and fiats, he deprives the State’s citizenry of that Republican Form of Government guaranteed by the Constitution. That being the case, President Trump therefore has the authority under the 1807 Insurrection Act to send federal military troops to Olympia to arrest and sequester the governor and his leadership until such time as the constitutional state of Washington, namely the Republican form of government, is restored. The people of the state would then have a constitutional right to recall and replace the governor according to the provisions for same.
Though this may seem far-fetched, there is historical precedent for it. In fact, the act has been invoked by multiple presidents numerous times beginning with Thomas Jefferson in 1808 shortly after he signed the act into law. Subsequently, Presidents Jackson, Grant, Hayes, Cleveland, Wilson, F.D. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and H.W. Bush, invoked the law to quell incidents of civil disorder, unrest, and rioting. Pidgeon recalled that during the Civil War a number of southern states initially seceded, of course, forming the Confederacy, and subsequently the State of Maryland, whose capital city at the time was Baltimore, situated immediately to the east of Washington DC was considering seceding and joining that Confederation. The governor of Maryland wrote a letter to President Lincoln telling him the state was preparing to secede and that they had 9,000 militia stationed in the city of Baltimore prepared to defend the secession decision. Lincoln wrote back to the governor and said 9,000 militia? Do you have enough room in Baltimore to bury 9,000 men? Then he promptly dispatched federal troops to Baltimore and arrested the governor and the mayor, placing them under arrest at Fort McHenry, the place where the American flag was sustained in the Battle of 1812, and then stationed 20,000 federal troops at Fort McHenry, completely squelching the proposed Maryland insurrection.
Pidgeon called for President Trump to do the exact same thing in the states of Washington, Oregon, and California, because the governors of all three of those states are acting treasonously and seditiously against the United States, by intentionally, with malice and forethought, destroying the economies of their states, predicated on a very small bush fire that they claim has burned the whole house down, metaphorically speaking. All of the underlying premises upon which Governor Inslee declared this state of emergency, said Pidgeon, are false, such as the hypothesis that our hospitals would be overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, when our hospitals are not only not overwhelmed, they are verging on going out of business because they are servicing no patients, as a result of Inslee banning all elective procedures in hospitals, including heart surgery, cancer surgery, organ and joint replacement surgery, and major lifesaving procedures such as kidney dialysis, and every other kind of medical procedure, all of which cannot be serviced in hospitals because the hospitals have been reserved for Covid-19 patients, of which there have been few compared to the myriads predicted to flood Washington State hospitals and other medical facilities that were commandeered to treat Covid-19 casualties that never came. Added to that is the fact that the Army Corps of Engineers who set up temporary tent-hospitals in Washington State upon being sent by the president to help with treatment of the overflow of Covid-19-infected patients from overwhelmed Washington hospitals eventually had to pack up and leave having not treated a single patient due to the fact that there never was any overflow because the hospitals were actually underwhelmed regarding coronavirus patients and had very few patients of any sort to service.
Nonetheless, Governor Inslee continues to maintain the ban on medical services and the stay-home-order despite the fact that the so-called “curve” has been flattened out to nothing in the state of Washington, Pidgeon indicated, referring to the governor’s actions as a flexing of “Communistic authority over the state of Washington in complete violation of the Constitution, putting Washington citizens under house arrest with no probable cause, no reasonable suspicion, no trial, no right to self-defense, no right to cross-examination, no right to an administrative hearing, and no right to due process, while he particularly distinguishes between people he finds “useful”—like his campaign donors—and people he finds “useless” that he calls “non-essential,” though every Washington business and every Washington person is essential to someone—just not to this authoritarian tyrant who just happens to occupy the office of governor for the time being.”
POTUS Weighing Options
The good news is that since the airing of this video presentation, President Trump made some recent comments regarding the Seattle-CHAZ situation indicating he is monitoring the scenario and weighing his options.
Newsmax recently reported, “President Donald Trump threatened to crack down on Seattle anti-police brutality protesters who’ve taken over several blocks of the city unless municipal and state leaders move to reclaim control of the streets.” Trump told reporters on Monday at the White House, “If they don’t do the job, I’ll do the job,” indicating that pursuant to discussions with Attorney General William Barr there are “about 10 different things” he can do, though he declined to say how much longer he would allow the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) to continue. Trump went on to describe Washington Governor Jay Inslee, a Democrat, as “a stiff,” and to call out Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, also a Democrat, for calling the protest a “love fest.” The report said, “Trump has been assailing Seattle and Washington state leadership, and urging action against the autonomous zone, for days,” and noted that earlier in the week, the president described the governor’s and mayor’s leadership as weak and again excoriated the “Fake News Media” for deliberately ignoring the “radical Left takeover” in Seattle for purposes of political gain, referring presumably to the advancement of the socialist agenda held by all the mainstream media outlets and their parent companies. Trump added that “The Mayor & Governor should be ashamed of themselves. Easily fixed!” The article concluded saying the president tweeted the day before, “Interesting how ANTIFA and other Far Left militant groups can take over a city without barely a wimpier (sic) from soft Do Nothing Democrat leadership, yet these same weak leaders become RADICAL when it comes to shutting down a state or city and its hard working, tax paying citizens!”
SLM continues to monitor the situation and will publish articles as warranted. For our purposes, we partitioned the video published by World Ministries into two parts; Part One is below. (This article contains opinion.)
The following are links to other articles regarding Covid-19 published on Spirit Life Magazine:
The following are Spirit Life Magazine articles related to the “marxization” or “socialization” of America that has been going on behind the scenes for decades:
The Age of Humanism
The United States of Communist America
America, You Were Warned 50 Years Ago! (Part 1)
America, You Were Warned 50 Years Ago! (Part 2)
America, You Were Warned 50 Years Ago! (Part 3)
What’s Wrong with the Social Gospel?
From the Grave: Joseph Stalin’s Continuing Influence in American Government

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