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Why Obama Refuses to Ban Entry to US by Travelers from Ebola Outbreak Nations

There was a time when an outbreak of a deadly disease overseas would bring virtually unanimous agreement that our top priority should be to keep it overseas. Yet Barack Obama has refused to bar entry to the United States by people from countries where the Ebola epidemic rages, as Britain has done. The reason? Refusing to let people with Ebola enter the United States would conflict with the goal of fighting the disease. In other words, the safety of the American people takes second place to the goal of helping people overseas.

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Fourteen Common Traits of Toxic Church Leaders

Yes, toxic leaders are the distinct minority of Christian leaders. But they can do harm to the cause of Christ disproportionate to their numbers. And they can get away with their behavior for years because they often have a charismatic and charming personality. Charming like a snake.

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Why Obama Won’t Take A Strong Stance Against Islamic Aggression

Despite his awesome responsibility as president, and despite the demands of the moment, Obama seems unable to transcend his background in the religion of “Jihad,” or holy war against the unbelievers. He continues his ongoing nonsensical mantra that Islam is not dangerous, that Islam is not a basis for terrorism, that Islam is a progressive religion.

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Five Types of Dust God Wants You to Shake Off

In Matthew 10:14, Jesus gave some superb advice to His followers when they were faced with those who didn’t embrace their message. He told them as they went to spread the good news, not to waste time or get involved in a debate, but to just “shake the dust off your feet” and move on to the next house or village.

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The Epidemic Illness Affecting Millions

There’s an illness going around. You’ve definitely heard of it, even if not by the name used here. It’s not the bird flu. It’s not the regular flu for which many have already gotten flu shots. It’s not one of the more notable illnesses, like AIDS, or HIV. But I’m sure you’ve heard of it. In fact, everyone has seen its devastating effects.

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The Utterly Destructive Choice of Homosexuality

God created a man and a woman to become one flesh in a lifelong covenant of love (i.e., “marriage”), and to be fruitful and multiply when possible. God invented marriage. He designed it as a prefigurement of the marriage between Jesus and His Bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:31-32), and laid out its parameters from the dawn of time. Even cultures that do not know Him have followed that design from the beginning. There is no ambiguity about His design nor His description of it in the Scriptures.

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From the Grave: Joseph Stalin’s Continuing Influence In American Government

Let me say this boldly: I am a “conspiracy theorist.” By that I mean, as an 83 year-old American-patriot whose great-great-great-great-grandfather fought in the 1776 Revolution, I believe our national security is being deliberately undermined by an enemy entrenched in Congress and other branches of the Administration. I am not saying all politicians are bad. But I am saying that the Nation is being destroyed by well-financed “plants” who are hostile to democracy and our way of life. America’s libertarian-decline is not by accident; it is by deliberate, calculated intent.

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The Sham Social Gospel

Prevalent among many religious leaders who profess to be evangelical Christians (i.e., Bible-believing Christians) is the promotion of a gospel that is acceptable to, and even admired by, people throughout the world. Today, the most popular form of this is the social gospel. The history of the social gospel is, in nearly every case, a sincere attempt by Christians to do those things that they believe will honor God and benefit humanity. In every case, however, the practical working out of “benefiting humanity” has compromised biblical faith and dishonored God.

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