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Destined To Ruin–The Fresh Prince of Singapore

Joseph Prince’s followers are asleep to real righteousness, right living, “destined to be ruined” by his grievous gospel. Prince is preaching a different Jesus, another gospel, and although he’s articulate, charismatic, convincing, and preaching “grace,” he is a blind leader of the blind, leading astray the unlearned and unstable. He is at best a false apostle, and at worst a conniving HERETIC! His message at its core is a sophisticated form of Universalism, packaged as God’s grace. But it’s cheap grace, and harbors a false peace! Prince, ignorant of God’s righteousness, is establishing his own.

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Rutland Repudiates MacArthur’s Attack of Charismatic Theology

Cessation theology, so-called, is, astonishingly enough, exactly what it denounces: completely nonbiblical. There is absolutely no clear biblical statement that the gifts of the Spirit have gone anywhere, especially away. How could they go away? What could that possibly even mean? The Holy Spirit has not taken the last train for the coast. The gifts are His gifts. They were not the possession of the apostles nor of the church in any time or location. Where the Spirit is, the gifts are.

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REPROOF: Tozer to John MacArthur & 21st Century Fundamentalist Cessationists

It is no use to deny that Christ was crucified by persons who would today be called fundamentalists. This should prove to be disquieting if not downright distressing to us who pride ourselves on our orthodoxy. An unblessed soul filled with the letter of truth may actually be worse off than a pagan kneeling before a fetish. We are saved only when our intellects are indwelt by the loving fire that came at Pentecost. For the Holy Spirit is not a luxury, not something added now and again to produce a deluxe type of Christian once in a generation. No. He is for every child of God a vital necessity, and that He fill and indwell His people is more than a languid hope. It is rather an inescapable imperative.

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10 Reasons Church Leaders Need Continuing Education

I admit my bias here. I am a seminary dean and professor, and I believe in education. Students help to pay my salary. They have become my friends, my mentees, my children in the faith. Graduates make me proud. My reason for writing this post, though, goes beyond these thoughts. If we are doing the work of God, we must give our absolute best. I desire to be part of a team that trains and sends out the strongest leaders in the world—leaders who make a difference in the kingdom of darkness. Those leaders never stop learning.

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Amazing Dual Gifts From God!

In the intent of God, the “Gospel of the Kingdom” is the only gospel; ageless, unchanged, eternally the same. Any lessor gospel is insubordination to the Kingdom. The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s anointing is to empower redeemed men and women with Kingdom authority to preach that gospel with all its original, miraculous manifestations. The authentic gospel is therefore an extension of Kingdom power through the human voice.

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Congressional Republicans Granting Obama Fast Track to Dictatorship

What in the world is the matter with Boehner Republicans in the U.S. House? Haven’t they had enough of Obama exceeding his presidential authority, disobeying the Constitution by refusing to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” and issuing executive regulations to “legislate” what Congress refuses to pass, such as the DREAM Act? We’ve never had a president who so arrogantly grabs and uses such unlawful power. He repeatedly granted waivers or exceptions or delays to groups from laws that gave the president no such authority, such as welfare reform and Obamacare.

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Cowardly PC Pastors and Why They Won’t Take A Stand

Most pastors today are in reality not spiritual shepherds as much as they are corporate CEOs. The same mentality, philosophy, and strategy that drive corporate boardrooms also drive the boardrooms of modern churches – to a tee. Pastors act like CEOs, dress like CEOs, talk like CEOs, manage like CEOs, and think like CEOs.

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Ten Marks of Charismaniacs

As a believer with a Pentecostal experience since 1978 I have seen many genuine moves of God as well as many counterfeit works of the flesh. Unfortunately, many believers lack the discernment to tell the difference between what is of God and what originates with man…in the past decade I have witnessed so much excess in some charismatic circles that I have also felt uncomfortable at times using that term to describe my Pentecostal leanings. The following are 10 signs you are involved in charismania or are a charismaniac.

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