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Ten Ways the Word of Faith Movement Erred

I have found that whenever we preach or emphasize one truth of God’s word at the exclusion of others it becomes a mixture and produces both good and bad fruit (for example: hyper-grace; hyper-faith; from an overemphasis on outward holiness we get legalism; and we come into a form of fatalism when we emphasize God’s sovereignty at the expense of human responsibility).

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Power For Preaching Through the Spirit’s Anointing

My 60+ years of ministry can be divided into two equal parts. For the first 27 years of pastoral work I was a hardline nonbeliever in the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit. My denomination insisted that miraculous works of the Spirit vanished when the Apostle John died and I wrongly carried that error to my congregation. During that period I never saw an alcoholic, drug addict, suicidal person, or someone with similar problems, be miraculously delivered by the power of God. It did not happen nor did I expect it. My ignorance of Scripture was very costly to me and my flock.

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The New Gospel of Narcissism

According to a young lady named Angel, seen on a recent interview from the Charlotte pride event and self-identified as a straight Christian, “God put us on this earth to be happy, and if being gay makes someone happy, then go for it!” That is the logic of narcissism, the logic of what has been called “Generation Me” or the “Me First” generation: “God put us on this earth to be happy, and if (fill in the blank) makes someone happy, then go for it!”

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Gay Rehabilitation Therapy for Christians

Seriously, lefties, give it a rest. So-called “sexual orientation” laws are nothing like laws prohibiting racial, age, disability or gender discrimination. Those qualities are based on neutral, immutable characteristics. Even liberals admit that “sexual orientation” is based on “fluid” feelings and behaviors. It’s about what you do, not who you are. It’s about what you believe and who you choose to have sex with, not the color of your skin.

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AUTOPSY RESULTS: Why Republicans Lost In 2012

At last Republicans can read a coherent explanation of why they didn’t win in 2012, despite high unemployment and a dismal economy, the unpopularity of Obamacare and many scandals, such as Fast and Furious. Best-selling author Dr. Jerome Corsi, who spent three weeks traveling with the Mitt Romney campaign listening to every stump speech, gives us an inside look at the cockiness and mistakes of Romney’s staff in a new book called, “What Went Wrong.”

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Ex-Homosexual Donnie McClurkin Under Attack by Gay Activists

Donnie McClurkin was invited to perform at the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement in Washington, D.C. This event was a government-sponsored concert with other singers at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on Saturday evening. But after the gay rights activists got wind of his participation, the fight was on to disinvite the Grammy Award-winning singer from this amazing event. Mayor Vincent C. Gray’s office asked him not to attend the concert where he was considered a headliner. Why? Because gospel singer Donnie McClurkin has said God delivered him from “the curse” of homosexuality….Let’s get one thing straight, people: Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue!

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Outright Lies of America-Hate-Mongers

Anti-Christian extremist groups like the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation and People for the American Way hate God. They also hate America. True America. These “progressive” outfits–along with like-minded politicos, judges, Hollywood elitists and left-wing media-types–hate that this great nation was expressly founded upon the bedrock precepts of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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The Supreme Court Rules Itself Supreme

The Supreme Court decision on marriage, as Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in his dissent, “is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive. It envisions a Supreme Court standing (or rather enthroned) at the apex of government, empowered to decide all constitutional questions, always and everywhere ‘primary’ in its role.” Scalia said this role would have been unrecognizable to those who wrote our Constitution. They knew the dangers of “primary” power and that’s why they divided power into three branches of government.

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