President Barack Obama speaks at a Democratic National Committee LGBT fundraiser in New York City (C-SPAN)
Nine Statements by Obama Yesterday Made a Mockery of God’s Word
By Tim Wildmon
Yesterday (June 17, 2014), President Barack Obama spoke at an LGBT fundraiser in New York City. You can watch or read the entire speech here.
I thought you might like to know what he said, so here are a few excerpts from the transcript of his speech:
– The day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling, United States v. Windsor, was a great day for America.
– So Pride Month is a time for celebration, and this year we’ve got a lot to celebrate. If you think about everything that’s happened in the last 12 months, it is remarkable. In nine more states you’re now free to marry the person you love – that includes my two home states of Hawaii and Illinois. The NFL drafted its first openly gay player. The U.S. Postal Service made history by putting an openly gay person on a stamp – the late, great Harvey Milk smiling from ear to ear.
– When I took office, only two states had marriage equality. Today, 19 states and the District of Columbia do.
– But because of your help, we’ve been able to do more to protect the rights of lesbian and gay, and bisexual and transgender Americans than any administration in history.
– We repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell,” because no one should have to hide who you love to serve the country we love.
– I lifted the 22-year ban on people with HIV traveling to the U.S.
– Before I took office, only one openly gay judge had been confirmed in history. We have 10 more.
– …we stopped defending the so-called Defense of Marriage Act in the courts and argued alongside Edie and Robbie before the highest court in the land.
– I’ve directed my staff to prepare for my signature, an executive order prohibiting discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
My friend, our nation is in deep trouble under President Obama and liberals in Congress…are you registered to vote in upcoming elections?###
Tim Wildmon is president of the American Family Association in Tupelo, MS. Visit their website: http://www.afa.net. This article was originally posted on that website.

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