Everyone Can Make It If They Try
By Mychal Massie
As we approach Black History Month, I find it a conundrum that America goes out of its way one month a year to recognize a skin color-based achievement that qualifies as historic, when the persons (read majority of blacks) demanding special recognition for said historical achievement(s) are happiest wallowing in despair and the rejection of modernity.
I ask the question: At what point will blacks be deemed as having stepped into the present that all other Americans occupy and benefit from?
Because if we are to believe the Obama woman et al blacks still haven’t arrived. The late Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, in the infiniteness of her contemptible ignorance, prognosticated that it would be another 25 years before blacks were capable of entering law schools without skin color-based affirmative action. Going by her math at the time (circa 2013) it will be 2038 before that happens, which means we have to listen to this nonsense for another 18 years?
If blacks have it so bad and are left so far out of the mainstream of modernity, how is it that we have black billionaires? How is it that blacks own major professional sporting teams? How is it that we have blacks that own major television networks and radio stations in the major media markets – and I’m not speaking about the family members of Jesse Jackson who benefited from his extortion tactics. Blacks are represented in decision-making leadership positions from Hollywood to academia to medicine to aerospace and so on.
There is not one area of sports, employment and/or politics in America today in which blacks are not represented. They are among the highest paid in every category. Yet, despite this glaring reality, we are supposed to believe that blacks do not have the same opportunity that whites have. We are supposed to believe that blacks are disaffected and underrepresented in business, education, industry, ad nauseum. Is it possible for people to be so demonstrably deceived as to believe these lies in the face of everything to the contrary?
It is not white America’s fault that blacks are disproportionately incarcerated, unemployed, or impoverished. It is a truism that if a person breaks the law they can expect to be incarcerated depending upon the nature of the crime and their frequency of arrests.
It was Obama, the homeboy president, whose policies contributed massively to the high unemployment rate and quantifiable disaffection of America and specifically blacks. That said, it should also be understood that an absence of marketable employment skills is not the fault of whites either.
The myth that blacks have it so bad is just that pursuant to the realities of life. Americans of every skin color and ethnicity are unemployed, homeless, and subsidized by the government in some manner. The difference is that blacks are led to believe that government subsistence is tantamount to a life benefit, i.e., they deserve it because “fill in the blank.”
In the aftermath of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, and Jim Crow, the white political establishment was eager to show their desire to recompense blacks for past ills and grievances. The problem is that in their eagerness to prove same they’ve succeeded in fueling the malevolent propensity held by many blacks – to punish, get even and prey upon white guilt. And it has worked. The tragedy is that it has worked to the disadvantage of many blacks. It is an alchemy of lies and white guilt that has fomented the cries of skin color disaffection today.
Why should America be bathed in guilt because certain blacks make conscious decisions to live in and participate in anti-societal behavior? Why should people who achieve based on meritocracy be sent to the back of the class in order to advance blacks and women who are unqualified based on grades and requisite skills?
It is the easiest of excuses to blame the realities of life on the color of skin. And it guarantees certain political groups a plantation of votes and useful idiots when that mindset is calculated into political dogma.
But to my original point – considering that there is not one area of the American landscape today not represented by blacks, when will we be able to put an end to the racial caterwauling and screeds that blacks are being left behind and treated unfairly?
The simple answer to my question is that the skin color-caterwauling will cease when it is no longer beneficial to those who make gain of same.
Blacks who wallow in despair and reject modernity are a discredit to themselves and a disservice to their families. They are morally opprobrious and should be ashamed.
Opportunity in America abounds for all despite the best efforts of Bernice King, the Obama woman, Al Sharpton, et al., to convince those easily misled, otherwise. Opportunity doesn’t come in the mail with food stamps and a welfare check. It comes from preparation, hard work, pursuing a dream, and/or wanting more from life than government housing and blaming others for what you do not have.
Mychal S. Massie is the author of The Daily Rant and is the former National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives; and a member of its parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research. In his official capacity with this free market public policy think tank he has spoken at the U.S. Capitol, CPAC, participated in numerous press conferences on Capitol Hill, the National Press Club and has testified concerning property rights pursuant to the “Endangered Species Act” before the Chairman of the House Committee on Resources. He has been a keynote speaker at colleges and universities nationwide, at Tea Party Rallies, at rallies supporting our troops and conservative presidents and rallies supporting conservative causes across the country. He is an unapologetic supporter of our right to own and carry firearms. For more information visit http://mychal-massie.com

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