Whites Held to Higher Standards Than Blacks
By Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie, Social-Political Commentator
Whites are expected to be respectful, civil and conscious of what they say – and, based on what is being taught in public schools, conscious even of what they think. Whites must be ever respectful of the feelings of other people, specifically blacks.
But blacks are not held to said expectations of social grace and relational benevolence. Blacks are not only given a pass for being rude and offensive, they are given a pass for going through life with a chip on their shoulders and behaving on levels of commonality that insure their being relegated to a future of lowered expectations and even lower meritocratic personal achievement.
The disgraceful prejudice of lowered expectations based on skin color is nowhere more evident than with the Obamas. It is even more heinous that everyone but the majority of blacks sees it and understands this class bigotry.

First Lady Michelle Obama on Jimmy Fallon Show
It is the same with Obama. He has been soundly criticized at every turn and justifiably so. George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter were viciously criticized for their policies. But is there anyone who would argue that they would have been permitted to finish their terms if they had been involved in an illegal gun-running operation that led to the murders of innocent Americans and hundreds of innocent Mexicans? Would any American president before Obama have been permitted to knowingly and openly lie about his abominable health-care bill with impunity?
The cultural Marxists in our public school systems, colleges, the media and politics promote an “Afri-centric” form of behavior that is self-limiting and self-defeating. Whites are expected to comport themselves decently.
Proper speech and self-decency have different meanings if you are black than they do if you are not. Those like Jehmu Greene, Al Sharpton and Eric Holder are rewarded for their bitterness and antipathy. Yet there is absolutely no question but that there would be hell to pay if any white person or group said the things in public that they do – the fact that whites are accused of thinking such things notwithstanding.
Blacks are destroying the neighborhoods in which they live, but when law enforcement officers have deadly encounters with these hoodlums and thugs, it is the white officers who are held to the higher standards.
Police departments and local governments are taken to task and called racist because they call for standards of public dress that any person with self-pride and dignity would never need to be reminded about.
Whether it is grammar, public/personal behavior, social skills, ad nauseum, blacks are held to lower standards, and tragically blacks accept same as their right.
We see it with race-based affirmative action. Blacks are given jobs in municipal departments that they qualify for only because the standards are lowered to the point of rendering the exams of no value. Whites are expected to perform at a higher standard of intellectual ability.
Blacks have been inculcated with the vile heterodoxy of “being owed” something juxtaposed to having to “earn” something. They are conditioned to see nothing wrong with a mentality that not only suggests, but also applauds their ability to gain access based on lowered expectations rather than meritocracy.
It is a fact that the behavior of many blacks is the primary causal factor for how they are viewed by others, but we are expected to overlook their behavior and blame racism for how they are viewed.
If blacks were held to the same standard of expectation as others, we would see an increase in the number of blacks accomplishing positive outcomes, and fewer of them spending decades behind bars for copying gangsters and amoral behavior.###
Mychal S. Massie is the author of The Daily Rant and is the former National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives; and a member of its parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research. In his official capacity with this free market public policy think tank he has spoken at the U.S. Capitol, CPAC, participated in numerous press conferences on Capitol Hill, the National Press Club and has testified concerning property rights pursuant to the “Endangered Species Act” before the Chairman of the House Committee on Resources. He has been a keynote speaker at colleges and universities nationwide, at Tea Party Rallies, at rallies supporting our troops and conservative presidents and rallies supporting conservative causes across the country. He is an unapologetic supporter of our right to own and carry firearms. For more information visit http://mychal-massie.com

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