Kenneth Hagin (1917-2003)
These were holy men of integrity who turned the world upside down with their faith and teaching.
I learned how to pray for the sick by reading Osborn’s book Healing the Sick and I learned how to resist the devil by reading Hagin’s The Believer’s Authority! In reading many biographies of Smith Wigglesworth I have always been challenged by his utter consecration to Christ and to walk in the light of His word whether in or out of the pulpit. I shudder to think where I would be right now if not for being influenced by these men and this movement.

Ken & Gloria Copeland
However, I will go on record that I would much rather be with people attempting to walk in faith and victory than be hanging out with depressed saints filled with unbelief and doubt!
Also, like most other movements, it restored to the Body of Christ a biblical truth that was neglected by the church and, in doing so, overemphasized it. But, after several years, more balance comes as folk like myself “eat the meat and spit out the bones”! Also, I believe that Brother Hagin never approved of some of the excess that came out of the faith camp, especially regarding the unbalanced teachings on prosperity that came from some of his more radical followers.
The following are some of the flaws of the Word of Faith movement from my perspective:
(I realize these are generalizations that don’t exactly fit every person classified as Word of Faith.)
1. They preach a rights-centered gospel rather than a stewardship-centered gospel
Perhaps influenced by our (USA) Jeffersonian heritage of individual rights, the way their understanding of the gospel is applied to individuals is based on their personal rights in Christ. Although this is partially true, the New Testament balances our rights in Christ with our responsibilities that go along with these rights. For example, in Deuteronomy 8:18 it teaches us that God gave believers power to get wealth so that His covenant may be established in the earth. This passage clearly teaches us the primary purpose of prosperity is for the kingdom, not only for our individual comfort and pleasure. Many in the Word of Faith movement used to “claim” houses and cars and attempt to use their faith merely for their own individual needs which, in and of itself, goes against our call to seek first His kingdom (Matthew 6:33) as a prerequisite for our individual needs and wants to be fulfilled.
2. Their dispensational beliefs preclude the role and importance of the Old Covenant in the New Covenant Age
I heard Brother Hagin brag several times in his teaching sessions that he did not read the Old Covenant because we have a new and better covenant now in Christ. The challenge with that teaching is he did not understand the relevance and role of the moral and civic law of God found from Exodus to Deuteronomy, especially in the Ten Commandments, that was repeated over and over again either exactly or in principle by the New Testament writers. Without the moral law of God we have no standard for holiness and will lack conviction of sin that the moral law gives as our standard of holiness and ethics. Furthermore, Hagin and others like him would only quote the Old Testament when convenient—when it comported to his view of faith. For example, he would quote Exodus 23:25 where God told the Jews He would take sickness from them. But he neglected to also teach that in order to walk in health they had to follow the strict dietary code as found in Leviticus 11. Thus, healing for the Jews included not only claiming a promise of God but staying away from unclean food. (In my opinion, walking in physical health also involves having a healthy diet and lifestyle, or else we are tempting God by intentionally violating His natural laws and then expecting Him to heal us.)
3. They have a semi-Gnostic dualism regarding their view of God
Word of Faith preachers have a simple view of God: everything that is good is of God and everything bad is from the devil. While I totally agree that God is a good God, sometimes He has to bring judgment or allow things to take place that in our natural mind may seem bad! What do Word of Faith preachers do with passages like Isaiah 45:7 in which God says He not only brings prosperity but also disaster? Or 2 Samuel 24:13 when God tells King David to choose one of three calamities He would bring upon the land of Israel as punishment for his sin? Or Amos 3:6 that clearly says that God sometimes brings disaster to a city? What about the book of Job where God allows Satan to afflict Job physically with boils as well as bring disaster in other areas of his life? I remember Brother Hagin teaching that Job doesn’t count in the New Covenant because Job 42:10 says that God turned the captivity of Job and in Luke 4:18 Jesus set the captives free! That would all be fine except for the fact that the book of James carries the life and story of Job into the New Covenant for the church age (James 5:11) as a lesson for us regarding God’s ways and dealings. (Also, without the book of Job we have nothing to say to Christians who unexpectedly lose a loved one or experience great personal challenges and loss. Job is comforting to me as a pastor because it shows me that God is sovereign over all things, in both the good and the bad, even when it is hard to explain and understand in the natural! Furthermore, God never gave Job an explanation of why He allowed disaster to strike!
Finally, what do the Word of Faith teachers say about Revelation 2:22-23 where Jesus says that He will cast people on a bed of sickness and even strike people dead! This does not go along with the simple dualism they teach! Now I will be the first to say that God’s general will as revealed in the gospels is for divine health (also, read 3 John 2) and that in general He always wants us healthy in spirit, soul and body (1 Thes. 5:23) and that Jesus came for us to have an abundant life (John 10:10). But in the Word of Faith movement they have such a narrow view of the word of God they do not have any explanations for mysterious things that happen to us that challenge our faith. It is not always true to say that something bad happened to a person because they had sin (John 9:1-3) or they didn’t get healed or calamity came to them because they lacked faith. Of course, the instances where Jesus brought sickness and death in Revelation 2:22-23 and in 1 Corinthians 11:30 had to do with disobedience which took people out from under the covering of the Lord (Psalm 91:1).
In summary, it is still generally God’s will to bring us health and prosperity in the context of obedience to His word.
4. Positive confession sometimes leads to dishonesty and superficial Christianity
I have been around many believers who are afraid to be honest and admit they are struggling with their faith. This brings people into bondage and even a form of superficial religion. Some believers are like robots: when you ask them how they are doing they routinely say “I am blessed and highly favored.” However, I know some of these people and they are merely trying to keep a positive confession even though their worlds are falling apart!
Now, I do believe in speaking the word of God to our challenging circumstances and not giving in to negative talk. But this is different from what James 5:16 tells us when he exhorts believers to confess their faults one to another. Positive confession is good and biblical (Proverbs 18:21) as long as it doesn’t stop a person from getting pastoral counsel and being honest with fellow believers when they need prayer.
5. Their view on prosperity is only based on giving
While it is true that the Bible teaches that we reap what we sow and that if we give it will be given back to us (Luke 6:38), one of the flaws of the Word of Faith movement is it only teaches people one side of prosperity. I believe the church needs to equip the saints not only to give but also to get and how to manage what we get as well as investing and saving for the future. When we only teach the saints how to give we limit the amount of creativity and blessing some people can experience. Without also combining giving with hard work, education, and understanding how to manage and create a budget many folks will continue in cycles of poverty even though they will experience elements of God’s provision based on their giving. (God can only bless in proportion to our ability to manage what He gives us!)
In poor countries, I have found that when the only solution presented to the people for breaking poverty is “giving to the church” the only person who becomes prosperous is the preacher! In the Kingdom of God the church is called to have a more empowering and holistic approach in regards to prosperity and breaking cycles of poverty.
6. They have faith in their faith as a principle rather than it emanating out of the person of Christ
I have found in many instances that this movement presented faith almost as an impersonal force like the law of gravity! This led to teachings like “having faith in your faith”! When this is taught it can disconnect faith from intimacy with the Lord. For example, the more I get to know a person the more I can trust them. Faith is not a force; it is a result of growing in simple trust based on growing in an experiential knowledge of the Lord. Faith is relational; it is not an impersonal force.
7. Some pastors have modeled their church preaching after these “specialists” in the body
Brother Hagin, T.L. Osborn, Smith Wigglesworth and the like were not typical pastors called to oversee a flock. Thus, they were able to preach based on their primary assignment which was faith and healing. The challenge is, many pastors who don’t understand this begin to mimic these great men of God and attempt to build congregations only around those three themes: faith, prosperity and healing. That is ok if you are a traveling teacher or evangelist but a congregation needs to have a balanced diet of the word that includes the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). A pastor needs to preach on healing but also holiness, faith but also tests and trials, moving mountains but also on marriage, giving financially but also stewardship and hard work. I love preaching on faith and healing but as a pastor I often have to preach subjects I really do not have a great passion for but know my congregation needed to hear to fully mature in the Lord.
8. It can put guilt and bondage on believers
I have heard of many people who walk around in guilt because they are not healed, or because they are struggling financially. In some cases, I have even heard of famous faith preachers who checked into a hospital under a different name so word would not get out that they were sick and under a doctor’s care!
We need to have a culture of faith in our churches but we also have to engender a culture of humility, honesty and brokenness, admitting that we don’t always walk in victory over sin and sickness as well as making allowances for mystery. The fact is, we don’t always understand why certain things happen to believers (for example, the book of Job).
9. It can produce independent narcissistic believers
When it went from a stewardship-centered gospel to a rights-centered gospel it also attracted many self-focused people into the movement. People used God as an excuse for their lavish lifestyles and frowned upon those who lived in simplicity. Unfortunately, this often appealed to the narcissistic tendencies in all of us and many large ministries were built more upon the American Dream of having a nice house and a car than upon taking up our cross and following Jesus.
Jesus said in Luke 14:33 that we have to lose everything in order to be His disciples. But many in this movement only focus on what we gain! Truly you can’t be resurrected until you first go to the cross!
10. It is not connected to the Cultural Mandate of Genesis 1:28
Last but not least, the Word of Faith movement did not go far enough. Instead of limiting faith to merely believing for individual healing and health, the word of God teaches that our faith should also transform whole cities and subdue kingdoms (Isaiah 61:4; Hebrews 11:33)! The gospel is a blueprint to disciple and baptize whole people groups not just individuals (Matthew 28:19-20). The gospel not only deals with individual sinners but systemic evil. The Word of Faith movement brings faith for individual victory but doesn’t say much about corporate victory!
Regarding the community of believers: Faith is also based on the corporate culture and anointing of a congregation. (First Corinthians 11:27-32 and Hebrews 3-4 teach that whole congregations were negatively affected by a culture of unbelief and/or disobedience.)
The Word of Faith movement in general separated the gospel from the kingdom and thus made the gospel more about individual prosperity than societal transformation. When you separate the gospel from the kingdom you tend to become more self and individually focused because it disconnects the good news from the responsibility to steward the earth. With the gospel of the kingdom, we believe in individual, congregational and societal transformation!
Finally, I believe with all of my heart there was more good than bad in the Word of Faith movement and that it was God’s intention that biblical faith for the supernatural be restored back to the church. All of us only know in part and see through a glass darkly (even the Apostle Paul; 1 Corinthians 13:9,12). Consequently, often it takes years for the Body of Christ to discern how to have balance when old truths are restored. One of the keys to life is balance; biblical balance cannot come until we attempt to embrace the whole counsel of God!###
Editor’s Note: Truth is Truth. Error is error. Mixture is not Truth, but error. Mixture, in many ways, especially in respect to its insidious nature, is more lethal and effective in its intents, than pure error. Satan mostly promotes and proliferates mixture, not pure error, particularly in the church and to the Body of Christ.
[This article was first published at: http://josephmattera.org]
[Editor’s note: Previously, we have republished some of this author’s articles because we obviously agree with his observations and commentary in those particular articles we republished and believe they speak to issues currently confronting the Church in this hour, thereby serving an important purpose. However, we, nevertheless, strongly disagree with some of the author’s other doctrinal beliefs; e.g., his eschatology, i.e. preterism, amillennialism, his frequent condescending comments against strongly-held, Biblically-sound teachings concerning what is commonly referred to as “the rapture” as being “escapism,” and the millions who wholeheartedly believe in a coming rapture as “escapists,” et al.; his ecumenical views and what appears to us to be soul-tie-generated sentimentality for the Catholic church, which we regard as the one-world end-times church identified in the Bible as the Babylon church system led by “the false prophet” (who we believe to be the final Roman Catholic Pope) into which all the false religions of the world, Biblical Christianity excluded, will be coalesced; and his advocacy for syncretism or reintegration of Roman Catholic false and idolatrous doctrines into the Pentecostal/Charismatic stream. Some of his viewpoints, in our view, essentially establish him as an apologist for Roman Catholicism, an opponent of the Protestant Reformation, and an advocate for the dismantling and reversion of Protestant reforms. Indeed, that this author can write so correctly, poignantly, and prolifically regarding so many problematic issues extant in the ecclesiastical realm in this hour, and yet maintain the heterodoxical viewpoints he does, is to us an inexplicable enigma, except to point out that all these matters are rooted in Roman Catholicism, that he self-identifies as a former Catholic (see, his paid-content article: Seven Reasons Why I am Not a Roman Catholic), along with many of his family-members and friends, and as mentioned before, appears to us to have a psychological soul-tie to the Roman Catholic church, and some of its traditional religious trappings, which, again, is highly enigmatic in consideration of an article such as this one as well as many of the others we’ve republished. Update (10-13-18): In a recent phone and email exchange in which I confronted him regarding his self-publicized alliance with, endorsement and promotion of postmodernism (i.e., spiritual formation, pre-reformation mysticism, contemplative spirituality, etc.) proponents, as well as apparent acceptance and espousal of their teachings, his unequivocal response was, in essence, that he does not regard any of same to be in any way problematic or heretical, and sophomorically attempted to censure me for confronting him on these matters, despite providing him a “best of short list” of hundreds of the millions of available articles available on the Internet describing the irrefutable heterodoxy of these anti-Biblical teachings and how they lead ultimately to total apostasy. More to come on these matters in future articles. Again, despite agreeing with the concepts Joseph Mattera expressed in this article and others we have published on this site, sadly, I am also compelled to state categorically that I do not in any way endorse him or his ministry, and, in light of my recent exchanges with him regarding specific doctrinal issues, including some not mentioned here, must issue a strong warning to anyone and everyone to steer clear of his ministry, teachings, and all organizations he leads, due to his current intransigence and apparent refusal to properly consider the substantial areas of doctrinal error he espouses and promulgates. Consequently, we will not be republishing any additional articles by Joseph Mattera.]
Dr. Joseph Mattera is currently the Presiding Bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition, Overseeing Bishop of Resurrection Church in New York, and the president of U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL). His website is at: http://www.josephmattera.org.

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