The President Attempting to De-Criminalize Sodomy – The Question that Needs to Be Asked, Why is Sodomy Illegal?
By Bradlee Dean
“No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” – Judge William Blackstone
There is no doubt that Donald Trump’s presidency is a clear exhibition of the counterfeit Christianity on a global scale (Matthew 7:21-23), where you will find that these professors falling in line with what Donald says rather than what the Word of God declares.
Remember, this is the same president that said he never had a need to ask for forgiveness yet, Scripture testifies against his narcissistic and self-righteous face.
“If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” -1 John 1:10
Today, we see Donald Trump, along with his followers, advocating that which God clearly condemns, attempting to create a world in defiance toward their Creator.
Donald Trump is now on a campaign to decriminalize sodomy and those that are on the Lord’s side (Exodus 32:26) when it comes to enforcing the laws that condemn sodomy-homosexuality. In fact, he even urges the world to follow his lead.
This is happening simultaneously with the “Equality Act,” which is being pushed forward by what your unconstitutional and contrived enemies called the “left” or otherwise known as the “democrats.”
If you remember, Donald Trump’s followers were exposed for their hypocrisies when criminal Barack Hussein Obama’s administration was advocating for what they gave lip service to by condemning concerning the sodomite agenda, but now, these idolaters have given a green light to Donald Trump to do whatever he wills to do. hypocrites! (Matthew 23:3)
Today, we can see that Obama’s administration was teeing this all up for the current administration to further implement the sodomite agenda.
Did you know that sodomy is illegal in every state of our union? In state statutes throughout the United States, they are called “crimes against nature,” directly taken from Scripture (Romans 1:26-32).
I want to lay to your candor a question that must be asked, why does God’s moral law condemn sodomy?
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” -Leviticus 18:22
Outside of common sense, if we did not have a father and a mother, none of us would be here today (Genesis 5:2).
Well, let’s look to the fruit (Matthew 7:16) of these sodomites to show you why the Lord condemns these actions (Deuteronomy 25:1).
First of all, the top U.S. serial killers were sodomites.
Read the rest of this article on BarbWire.

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