By Pastor Stephan Nash
About 15 years ago the Christian performer, Carmen, produced a song entitled, We Need God In America Again. I listen to it now and then to remind me about what’s happening to our country and what we should be doing about it. Here are some of the lyrics:
Abe Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation
Will be the philosophy of government of the next”
So when you eliminate the Word of God from the classroom and politics
You eliminate the nation that Word protectsAmerica is now number one in teen pregnancy and violent crime
Number one in illiteracy, drug use, and divorce
Everyday a new holocaust of 5,000 unborn die
While pornography floods our streets like open sewersAmerica’s dead and dying hand is on the threshold of the Church
While the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah vex us all
When it gets to the point where people would rather
Come out of the closet than clean it
It’s a sign that the judgment of God is gonna fallIf there’s ever been a time to rise up Church, it’s now
And as the blood bought saints of the living God proclaim
That it’s time to sound the alarm from the Church house to the White House
And say, “We want God in America again”
When any person who claims to possess the faith of our fathers and has the knowledge of a 5th grade history student, does not speak out on the important issues in our society, we are then left with no hope but only dread of coming gloom upon us and our children! Maybe that’s why I couldn’t sleep last night.
I need to remind myself and the readers of this article that we, as children of light, have a great responsibility to our children and to our nation. It is our time in history; what mark upon society are we going to leave? What difference are we going to make?
Many have fallen victim to the “great lie.” I am speaking about the lie that tells us to keep our faith to ourselves. The lie that declares, “religion and politics don’t mix.” I am periodically told that “I shouldn’t be so political.” What these people are really saying is that I should be silent when it comes to issues I deem to be both spiritual and political in nature. Recently I was told by someone very close to me that I should speak about what the Bible teaches and leave other matters to the politicians. That leads me to the subject of last night’s insomnia. It is a truth that I briefly touched upon in my last article, “Where Have All the Preachers Gone?”
In just a few days we come to the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. On the same day of our President’s second inauguration, we also commemorate the abortion of approximately 55 million babies who have been dismembered or poisoned in their mother’s womb. Tell me, is that a spiritual issue or is it exclusively political?
This past year, Planned Parenthood boasts that they have had the opportunity to kill more innocents than they have in several years. They did it with our tax dollars!
Last week a member of our church made mention of the slaughter of babies in the Old Testament by pagan societies. He seemed to indicate that we, as Americans, are more civilized than those pagans. I reminded him about the above paragraph and the classroom suddenly became silent.
Same sex marriage has become a political issue in the last 10 years. Did you know that such perversion is so grievously off the charts that it is not even mentioned in the Bible? Before 2001, the only time in history this perversion was allowed for a short period was under one emperor—Nero! They practiced homosexuality in Sodom and Gomorrah, but even they did not cross the line into homosexual “marriage.” We know the end for that civilization! The God of the Bible seemed to indicate that Sodom had a “spiritual” problem, not so much a political one. (I will devote an entire article on this subject in the near future.)
What about our national debt? Surely this concern has no spiritual implications at all. Wait a minute, doesn’t the Commandment say, “Thou shall not steal!?” When a child is born today, they are shackled with a $56,000 bill before leaving the hospital. Every man, woman and child would need to cough up that amount to pay down our national debt! This grave matter is a moral, spiritual and political issue that our President completely ignores. By his out-of-control spending, he is leading this country into an abyss that we will never be able to escape from.
Our children will not be able to enjoy the comfort, security and prosperity that our generation has been blessed with! This past week the President’s smooth talking rhetoric has effectively bamboozled the American public into believing his lies. Stop spending our grandchildren’s money Mr. President!
Israel has been a political concern for many years. They are facing annihilation this year if her enemy, Iran, is not stopped in its plans to nuke her. Our President has not been a firm supporter of the Jewish state. His lips speak one thing and his actions another. He seems to have a disdain for the land of the Bible and its people.
Let me invite you to read Genesis 12 and Zechariah 12 to remind you of what happens when any nation sets out to destroy Israel. We not only share political values and common ideologies with Israel; we also share a spiritual heritage no one can deny.
The above are only a few issues that obviously have both political and spiritual implications. Crime, gun control, civil liberties, unemployment, legal and illegal drugs, entitlements and many other national concerns are both political and spiritual in nature.
The question is, what are we, as people of light, going to do about it? Are we going to sit back, having been muzzled by the politically correct opponents? We cannot continue to be asleep in the light while our nation declines in the dark!
Let me close with some more words from Carmen:
We eliminated God from the equation of American life
Thus eliminating the reason this nation first began
From beyond the grave I hear the voices of our founding fathers plead
You need God in America again
We Need God In America Again (lyrics)
Pastor Stephan P. Nash has served in pastoral ministries since 1981. He has consistently communicated the importance for Christians to speak, without apology, the truth with love. He is a member of the Tea Party movement and the Black Robed Regiment, which emphasizes the value of exercising our faith in the public square. Pastor Steve and his wife, Pam, have raised 7 children and presently serve at Christian Community Chapel, Hillsborough, NJ.

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