By Andrew Strom
NOTE: This was first published in Nov 2006 – but I feel it is even more relevant today.
by Andrew Strom
Something I find a little distressing in America is that the Christians are so often relying on POLITICS to accomplish SPIRITUAL results. Thus they ally themselves fervently with one particular party and treat it like “God has won” if that party wins – and “God has lost” if it doesn’t. I almost see this as a kind of BLINDNESS.
The fact is — most of America’s problems today are SPIRITUAL problems that can only be solved by a sweeping move of God’s Spirit. Yet we are relying on Politics and Politicians to accomplish many of these things?? How bizarre!
How bizarre that we strive and strive to get the “right (worldy) guy” elected. How bizarre that we treat the President like some kind of mega-preacher or mega-minister. We put our “hope” in him and his Political party for all kinds of SPIRITUAL things! What is wrong with us?
I don’t know of any other country where the Christians put such hope in worldly political parties for things that ONLY GOD CAN DO. Is this not a kind of IDOLATRY??
Yes, there are issues of righteousness to be concerned with, and it is good to vote. But what is with this OBSESSION with Politics amongst the Christians? Do we not realize it is a kind of “phony war”? Imagine if we spent all that time PRAYING instead of
STRIVING for Political victory. We might be actually having a Revival right now!
Can politics make America truly righteous? NO! Only GOD can do that!
I want to issue a call to all true Christians right now: “REPENT of trusting in MAN instead of God. REPENT of trusting in Politics to do things that only God can do. REPENT of striving and striving to get the “right party” in power, and thinking that will solve this country’s (America) SPIRITUAL problems. REPENT of making an IDOL out of any party or any PRESIDENT. The Presidency does NOT equal God’s move! REPENT of putting so much energy and effort into things that WILL NOT SOLVE the PROBLEM!
If only the Christians of this nation would PRAY instead of running to POLITICAL ACTIVISM, everything would be different.
What if all of this is a false trust, a false hope, a false gospel?
What if our worship of Republicanism is out and out IDOLATRY??
God help us all.
Andrew Strom is a Revival preacher and author from the nation of New Zealand. He is the founder of and the international REVIVAL List – and the author of nine books including ‘The Coming Great Reformation,’ and “True & False Revival”. Andrew is 45 years old and has been happily married to his lovely wife Jacqui for 25 years. They have six wonderful children. Andrew’s ministry emphasis has always been on Repentance, the Cross and a Revival of Righteousness – similar to the Great Awakenings of old. His fiery preaching style could be likened to that of Leonard Ravenhill, David Wilkerson or Keith Green. His website is:

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